Student FAQs

Student FAQs

1. What is Vedic Maths?

Ans. Shri Bharti Krishna Tirathji is the founder of Vedic Maths. Vedic Maths is best known for its shortcut tricks and techniques also called Vedic Math Sutras. It improves speed and accuracy and helps removes fear of mathematics in Kids

2. Are there any Online Vedic Maths Classes available?

Ans. We embrace Online education especially in the post covid period where Online education has become an important catalyst in child’s development. The entire course is divided into Online modules and can be delivered in 100% Online mode through ZOOM, saving the time involved in to-fro travel to a training center and neither a trainer is required to visit the home to deliver tuition avoiding all the formalities, time scheduling and child safety issues.

3. Is Vedic Maths different from Maths taught in Our School?

Ans. Modern Maths taught at school involves long equation calculations and becomes lengthy to solve, Whereas Vedic Maths incorporates 16 simple techniques/16 Sutras to solve the mathematics questions and builds confidence in mental maths for speedy calculations. However, they would both be reaching to the same answers. Vedic Maths revolves around developing speed calculation skills whereas Mathematics at schools is more comprehensive and covers the school curriculum.

4. Will I get Teacher Support?

Ans. The entire duration of the course will have weekly one-to-one or group sessions with a trained Certified Franchise Partner. They are fully trained to deliver the Entire program.

5. What if I miss my Class will I get any cover-up class?

Ans. Students have access to the pre-recorded classes which is available for a period of 3 years. They can access the classes at their own ease. They are locked during the training, but once a Franchise Training Partner has delivered the particular class that class access would be unlocked.

6. What Age bracket is it suitable for?

Ans. The earlier the child gets introduced to these classes the better it is to get them to love maths. It is ideal for kids in the age 8-15 years / Grade 4-10. However, we will be developing advanced modules for Senior Students in the coming time.